Pest Management and the Sub-Floor Ventilation Relationship

Pest management companies, as part as there termite control regime are recognising the need for sub-floor ventilation. The most effective sub-floor ventilation is the combined use of passive and active ventilation systems. Over the years passive vents have improved to include high flow vents, up from the old terracotta vent, which are a better proposition.

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Pest Control Companies Cognizant of the Effectiveness of Sub-Floor Ventilation Against Termites with Envirofan

termitesLeading pest control and pest management firms recognise the importance of mechanical ventilation as part of their termite management strategies. Since the emergence of Solarfan’s and later on, Envirofan’s — sub-floor ventilation, it has become integrated into termite management strategies. This harmonises with the ‘Termite Inspection Report’ in accordance with AS 3660 which states that “sub-floor ventilation is important as it minimises the opportunity for termites to establish themselves within the property.”

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Pest Controllers Who Are At The Top of Their Class When it Comes to Fan Ventilation Systems

Get effective ventilation fan systems with your next termite treatment – it works! Pest control firms are recognising the importance of mechanical ventilation as part of termite control.

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