Reduce Mould Growth, a Termite Control Mechanism, Protect Your Family’s Health and Your Home!


When it comes to new or old buildings now these two styles of construction can have the best of both worlds when it comes to effective sub-floor ventilation. This is intrinsically important when it comes to your family’s health and the health of your home.

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Pest Controllers Who Are At The Top of Their Class When it Comes to Fan Ventilation Systems

Get effective ventilation fan systems with your next termite treatment – it works! Pest control firms are recognising the importance of mechanical ventilation as part of termite control.

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Envirofan Intuitive Underfloor and Sub-Floor Ventilation Design Without The Use Of Flexible Ducting, How So?

EF12SQR-HeroBefore we answer this question let us look at the sub-floor area itself. We can liken it to a blank canvas board as used by an artist, the more brush strokes, the more detailed and busy the canvas becomes.

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Why all Sub-Floor Ventilation Systems are NOT the same


The market leader of sub-floor ventilation fans, Solarfan, had rigorous testing carried out by Unisearch in the 1970’s. Unisearch was a very intensive testing and research facility, contracted to research and examine commercial products. Consulting and expert opinion from UNSW is now known as UNSW Consulting and Unisearch, a division of NewSouth Global.

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New Technology Made Available in Low Voltage Sub-Floor Ventilation Systems

EFQuadFan-HeroEnvirofan sub-floor ventilation systems is a tried and tested product from its predecessor Solarfan who was the first fan-forced company to develop brick size and terracotta vent size sub-floor ventilating systems. Solarfan being the market leader of its time had rigorous testing carried out by Unisearch in the 1970’s. Unisearch was a very intensive testing and research facility, contracted to research and examine commercial products. Consulting and expert opinion from UNSW is now known as UNSW Consulting and Unisearch, a division of New South Global. This accreditation was a fundamental testing process, which most sub-floor ventilation systems do not comply to.

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Envirofan Damp Solutions Utilising 12 Volt Sub-floor Ventilation Systems

In answering this question ‘Are 12 volt sub-floor ventilation systems powerful enough in providing damp solutions’ really depends on who provides you with the answer. Ask a company that installs 240 volt sub-floor ventilation systems and they would probably tell you, ‘No’. Ask a company that installs 12 volt sub-floor ventilation systems and they would say ‘Yes’.

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