What Can the ED Sydney Teach Us About Sub floor Ventilation

The whole sub floor area can be linkened to the Eastern Distributor or Sydney Harbour Tunnel. How so?

When referencing this to sub floor ventilation this is one big duct that allow traffic to get from A to B. The sub floor is one big duct or an air super highway where Envirofans are strategically placed in certain vents. Being in the extraction mode this draws the air from the trunk line of the sub floor to its off ramps toward the Envirofan sub floor ventilation system in turn delivering crossflow ventilation from point A to point B.

Does this mean that all being in the extraction mode means that the air flow is opposed to each other. Not at all! as the Envirofan systems work in conjunction with the existing passive vents.

The Envirofan sub floor ventilation systems can be reversed to positive pressure mode but this would be only where you want to induce dry air into the sub floor area which would be from the northern or western aspects of the dwelling. Just remember excessive positive pressure can push the undesirable air from the sub floor area, through the nooks and crannies (floor boards crevices) back into your home that is why the extraction process is more beneficial but without the use of ducting.

Could you imagine a big duct inside the ED (eastern distributor) So why do it to your sub floor area.

In our next post we will discuss limited use of ducting which would be appropriate.