Troubleshooting sub-floor and roof ventilation is available for Southern Highlands and Central Coast regions, providing effective solutions for all ventilation issues. In the Southern Highlands Envirofan has had representation in the area for many years since 2001, however it is appropriate that we let the residents in the Southern Highlands know.
In the Central Coast our presence there been somewhat minimal up to now. Envirofan sub-floor ventilation systems have been in existence for many years especially in Sydney expanding to the Illawarra, Shoalhaven, Southern Highlands and now into the Central Coast as of late last year (2009).
Our expertise is mainly in sub-floor ventilation and priority needs it to be given serious attention, as damp and organic substances (mould, mildew and fungi) will react with one another to produce a pungent odour which will consume the sub-floor area and penetrate into the habitable (living) area. This will have a deteriorating effect on the air quality inside the home, which will ultimately impact on the health of the occupants. Family members who have a predisposition to respiratory illnesses are likely to experience these problems first hand.
However all is not lost. Envirofan sub-floor ventilation systems will treat the source of the problem by extracting damp and humidity from under the house and ridding it to open air, away from the dwelling, which will change the air many times over in the sub-floor area, creating a drier environment, which ultimately will return indoor air quality to acceptable and healthy levels.
Do we need to discuss the relationship between damp and termites? Quite simply – damp encourages termites! Therefore the drier the sub-floor area the less attractive this will be for termites. The ‘Termite Inspection Report’ of AS3660 states that “ventilation in the sub-floor area is particularly important, as it minimises the opportunity to establish themselves within the property.”
Utilising Envirofan sub-floor ventilation systems is a two pronged solution, with benefits to the health of the family and the home.