Ventilation Solutions by Envirofan Sub-floor Ventilation Systems


Since 2001 Envirofan has providing ventilation solutions in Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Adelaide, Hobart and Perth since 2001. They took over where Solarfan left off who also provided ventilation solutions since the 1970’s.

Ventilation solutions is the objective when clients have a damp problem. Damp problems can be two-fold. Firstly there is the issue with ‘rising damp.’ If this is the case a ‘rising damp’ specialist must be consulted as this pertains to a breakdown in the physical dampcourse. Envirofan ventilation solutions come into play where cross-flow in the sub-floor area is not being achieved.

It is All in the Design

Envirofan has the direct approach in providing ventilation solutions. In its design stages the Envirofan, especially when it came to the quad fan system (EF10-4), was designed to replace a terracotta vent. A terracotta vent is a passive vent that just sits in the brick work and does virtually nothing. With the Envirofan system it changes all that, by changing the characteristics of the vent from passive to active. Thus ventilation solutions is achieved for that specific area.

Does that mean I only need one Envirofan for my house?

Quite unlikely. For complete ventilation solutions it is best to consult an authorised Envirofan sub-floor ventilation consultant.

It is All in the Installation

Ventilation solutions are also achieved in the installation. What do we mean by that? From the information aforementioned, Envirofan replaces terracotta vents whether single brick or double brick. When these are installed and are in operation, the low voltage fans begin to rotate, this then draws the humid damp air toward this point at a rate of 5,500 litres per minute. There is no flexible ducting attach to this as this would impede cross-flow as the air would have to drag its way through the resistance of the ducting toward the sub-floor ventilation system. Most ventilation companies use the method of flexible ducting and fans. Envirofan doesn’t.

Envirofan provides ventilation solutions that are more simplified. Which installation method would you prefer?

Some ventilation companies feel that the Envirofan sub-floor ventilation system are not powerful in providing ventilation solutions. The fact is that two Envirofan sub-floor ventilation systems will equal the output of what the high range in-line fan systems will do. Other facts that come into play is that the Envirofan sub-floor ventilation systems will do it one third more quietly and with 80% less power than a 240 volt system. If the client wants ventilation solutions by means of solar power then power consumption will be nil as compared to a 240 volt sub-floor ventilation system which has an on-going cost.


Envirofan just seems to be a better sub-floor ventilation system all round when it comes to ventilation solutions.