Quad Fan Sub-Floor Ventilation Systems a Better Design to Single Fan Units

EFQuadFan-SideIn 2001 Envirofan developed the quad fan sub-floor ventilation system from its tried and tested product from the 1970’s which was of the Solarfan sub-floor ventilation system range.

The Envirofan sub-floor ventilation system produces ten percent more airflow than the Solarfan sub-floor ventilation system did, due to its improved impeller design. The Envirofan sub-floor ventilation system currently does 5,500 litres of damp air per minute at 27dba (decibels) which makes it the most quietest sub-floor ventilation systems in the market place.

Consumer Benefits and Product Advantages

As mentioned previously Envirofan sub-floor ventilation system have a low decibel rating. This is very important as you don’t want unnecessary noise entering the habitable living area from the sub-floor ventilation system. Single fan impeller sub-floor ventilation units do have a higher decibel rating.

The Envirofan quad fan sub-floor ventilation system as the name implies has four individual fan impellers. Does this make it four times more expensive to replace all impellers? The answer is a resounding No! The impellers on the quad fan sub-floor ventilation system is approximately the same price to replace as single fan units.

Most sub-floor ventilation systems usually have only a single impeller. Why is this a disadvantage?
In the event that the single fan should stop working, the sub-floor ventilation properties are totally lost, until such time that the ventilation system is totally replaced or that the sub-floor ventilation unit is repaired. This would also apply to in-line fan sub-floor ventilation systems. The Envirofan quad fan sub-floor ventilation system is different in that If the same situation should occur and one fan ceases to operate then the sub-floor ventilation properties would continue at seventy five percent of its normal operating capacity.

Another feature of the Envirofan quad fan sub-floor ventilation system is that it is low voltage (12volt). This would mean that the home owner can install it without electrocuting him or herself. Secondly as a power point does not need to be installed in the sub-floor area this would save on an electricians cost. From the 12volt power supply the length of cable that can be run to the sub-floor ventilation system is twenty metres so any internal power point can be utilised.

In this day and age we should be more environmentally conscious of how we as humans impact on our own natural resources which is not endless. The Envirofan quad fan sub-floor ventilation systems is a low voltage ventilation system which can operate also on solar power so this is going to out perform what any 240volt system can do in the way of power consumption.

A Unique Design

The Envirofan quad fan sub-floor ventilation system design accommodates an integral louvred vent (white or brown colour) which is the size of two bricks high by one brick wide. This was not left to chance as it exactly replaces a terra-cotta passive vent which most homes already have. If a house does not have these then an approved sub-floor ventilation installer should be used.

Because of this unique design the Envirofan sub-floor ventilation systems does not require flexible ducting in ninety eight percent of cases. This is great news as it keeps the sub-floor area free of obstructions and airflow can travel freely, which is the objective.

Overall Benefits

EFQuadFan-BackThe ventilation message has been resounding for years and the consumer is becoming more aware of what inherent problems are associated with poor sub-floor ventilation. Damp and humidity in the sub-floor area makes this kind of condition conducive to termites. Fan-forced sub-floor ventilation systems remove humidity from the sub-floor area by physically extracting this poor quality air.

Humidity can also impact on wooden sub-floor structures by raising their moisture content level. This will make these structures expand. This will create cupping and warping of floor boards, Timber joists may bow lifting off brick piers, this will make a floor to bounce. Excessive moisture content in timber will decrease the longevity of the material by the presence of dry-rot. Sub-floor ventilation systems will control these issues.

The most important is if left unchecked the lack of sub-floor ventilation will affect your health. If sub-floor ventilation is inadequate this will penetrate into the living area by the damp reacting with organic material in the sub-floor area. This will let off an odour which can be quite harmful to the respiratory tract. By taking steps to rectify this, sub-floor ventilation systems will re-direct this odour away from the living area to the outside. After a time this odour will diminish as the supply air replaces the stagnant air in the sub-floor area…


There is more to it than meets the eye when it comes to sub-floor ventilation and the type of sub-floor ventilation system used. Envirofan’s knowledge that stretches from the Solarfan era until now has really got it together in the design particularly of their quad fan sub-floor ventilation system. It really capitalises on simplicity of design, ease of installation and quality. Their knowledge in sub-floor ventilation really has stood the test of time from all others.