Effective Sub Floor Ventilation from Brisbane – Gold Coast, Sydney & Melbourne

Effective sub floor ventilation possesses a lot of benefits to the occupants as well as the building itself, especially to homeowners from Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sydney all the way to Melbourne and beyond to Hobart.

Envirofan achieves this, by the use of ‘stand alone’ sub floor ventilation systems.

What is meant by the term ‘stand alone’?

In that Envirofan sub floor systems does not require apparatus’ attached to them such as ducting, branch take off’s or starting collars, which orthodox ventilation companies do. Envirofan systems replace brick or terra cotta vents in strategic locations of the dwelling.

You have heard the saying ‘The simplest solutions are often the best.” Sub floor ventilation is not a complicated problem to fix, however utilising Envirofan sub floor ventilation systems just makes it so easy and this has always been our philosophy.

What can be said of the claim “The only certified company in Australia for ventilation”. by others. This is an over exaggeration, as numerous rising damp companies have undergone a testing verification process at TAFE. After successfully completing the course, they are authorised to undertake ventilation work and are issued with a ‘sub floor ventilation license’ by the Department of Fair Trading. Concerning manufacturing companies involved in commercial ventilation systems and installations, does it not seem logical for these to have the necessary credentials to manufacture and install their own products?

We maintain our integrity of what our sub floor ventilation systems will do and what we claim. Envirofan shines as a beacon to those who are looking for the truth in sub floor ventilation systems. Envirofan sub floor ventilation systems – Brisbane, Gold Coast, Norhtern Rivers, Mid-North Coast, Coffs Harbour, Pt Macquarie, Hunter, Newcastle, Central Coast, Sydney, Illawarra, Shoalhaven, Southern Highlands, Eurobodalla, Central West, Bathurst, Orange, Gippsland, Melbourne, Hobart, Adelaide and Perth.