Brick Size Sub-floor Ventilation System

EFDualFan-SideA tradesman uses a hammer not a screwdriver to drive in a nail. It is the same for brick size sub-floor ventilation systems as they have a specific application, such as where the outside ground level is a little lower than the inside floor level usually indicating a reduced sub-floor area where it can get quite cramped. Brick size sub-floor ventilation systems are perfect for this application.

There are varying opinions about how people in the industry view different kinds of products and they are entitled to their own opinion and it should be noted that when the public view these opinions they should be not taken as gospel. Such as the examples below demonstrate:

  • The solar fan concept has had me scratching my head over time as to why this system should provide beneficial ventilation.
  • I like the idea behind the solar fans, why are they so unpopular?

Solar fans that were once used didn’t have the mechanical capacity to move enough volume of air due to the small size of the fans (two fans fitted into the space of a single brick) and power output. Other options are available that achieve a much better result.’ In both examples the unpopularity of the Solarfan is by the author, not by the public. If both companies were Solarfan distributors the author would not make such remarks. Obviously they are not, so it is in their own interests to push their own agenda.

What Are The Facts About Brick Size Sub-floor Systems

Envirofan website states ‘That the Solarfan sub-floor ventilation system had rigorous testing carried out by UniSearch in the 1970’s. This accreditation was a fundamental testing process which substantiated Solarfan’s domination as an effective sub-floor ventilation system.’ This is fact and cannot be disputed. However brick size sub-floor ventilation systems do have a specific purpose, just like a hammer does to drive in a nail.

Visualise this: Brick size sub-floor ventilation systems move the volume of the air in a four foot cube in one minute. It should be noted that one or two brick size systems will not do a whole house, however it is designed to provide sub-floor ventilation for specific areas.

Up to the year 2001 Solarfan dual fan sub-floor systems were only available. However since that time quad fan sub-floor ventilation systems became available. This gave double the flow of what the dual fan system would do, which compares to half the capacity of what a 240v medium inline fan will do, so two quad fan systems would be the equivalent.

From a design point of view this is advantageous as two quad fans can be installed in two different areas of the sub-floor area without flexible ducting, whereas the medium inline system would be installed with flexible ducting being directed to the areas being ventilated. So as an inquiring consumer, why would you use an inline fan systems with ducting, whereby you could use two quad fan systems without the ducting, which means unnecessary materials installed in the sub-floor area.